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Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Sunrise, sunset

Prompt from Linda:

Sunrise, sunset. A color-filled sky is like another world. Where are you when the sun does its magic?  How do you feel, what do you think when the sky is purple, orange, red and pink?


  1. tender love, just sixteen
    watch the sun go down
    steam the windows
    of the pick-up truck
    with the heat of new passion
    she's old fashioned, sweet
    "please don't touch me there"
    "I won't because I care"
    his patient hands wipe the windshield
    the magnificent flavor of colors
    flood the small area
    reflect in each others eyes
    answering all the whys
    of the universe
    the sky tells the story
    of the colors of love
    we cannot touch either
    but both are significant
    of beauty on earth
    re-birth of serenity
    they hold each other tightly
    in contemplation
    of love and time and color
    seeking a peaceful union...

    1. Love this!! In particular, love the line "the magnificent flavor of colors"

    2. this is beautifully written! the words set the scene even without the picture but together they form a perfect setting. I wish I wasn't so tired because I can't think of the word I want to use to complete my thoughts. I will have to come back tomorrow to finish my thoughts. But I did enjoy reading this one.

    3. imagery! that's the word I wanted!!! can't believe it took me so long to remember it.... wonderful use of imagery!!! lmbo!!

    4. omg! and I see Victoria used imagery in her comment about my poem and somehow even then it didn't register! time to put me out to pasture! lol!

    5. I knew that was the word you were looking for but I couldn't think of it either. And there it was sitting right before our eyes.......hmmmmmmm this what it's like getting old??? lmbo

  2. Skies (haiku)

    orange and purple hues
    night skies say goodmorning world
    lovers sleep entwined

    1. This is a beautiful haiku! You took it to be a sunrise rather than a sunset. That's what I liked about this photo! You can view it either way. Good job, Bonnie!

    2. Awesome imagery. Did you mean to not have a space for "goodmorning"? Also haiku don't have titles, and yours definitely doesn't need one in order to see the picture you are painting.

    3. crap! no I meant to have a space there.... well too late now. And I am never sure whether to put a title on a haiku or not... some tell me you number them but then I was told only number them if they are a series and I should use a title... I am so confused!!!!!!!!

    4. Very special haiku. Love the imagery.


    The Earth turns, all 1.3
    times 10 to the 25th
    pounds of her. Millions of tons
    extra in humanity.
    Over 39,000
    miles around the waist, she moves
    to reveal that first sliver
    of The Sun in purple, orange,
    yellow bruised sky of morning.

  4. wow!!! I really love humanized earth..."over 39,000 miles around the waist"... and revealed the sun. It was majestic and magnificent!!!

  5. thanks Linda! you said what I was going to say! now I have to make my crazy brain find other words to say the same thing. lol! this really is beautifully written and I love how you used math to pull the earth into the equation. I read it to Keith and he liked it too :-).

  6. I confess to posting a poem I wrote earlier because I have been busy working on my chapbook and so not focused on new stuff. I do have one for my prompt however that I wrote today, so I will post that on Wednesday, I expect. Meanwhile, here is my Sunrise, Sunset poem with best wishes to all. Comments are welcome.

    Even as the sun sinks
    I can almost taste the dawn.
    Sunrise and sunset are mirrors
    East and West reflecting:
    Birth and death, two sides of a coin
    waving hello or goodbye, but waving.

    When we die to one day, we are born to another.
    When we are born, what do we leave behind?
    Each dawn is a birth, each night a death,
    I watch the sunset, wondering what the sunrise will bring.

    As the light dwindles
    Hemlock branches darken against the twilight sky.
    As they sway, tracing their gentle dance
    the dusk fades to night.
    I watch the last sunset clouds
    Grey and dissolve.
    Tomorrow's promise
    sings in the memory of the light.
    Tasha Halpert

    1. This is very beautiful, Tasha. I especially love, "I can almost taste the dawn." I love the imagery and the picture you created with your words...

    2. Thank you so much. You are most kind. That was a lovely picture/ image.
