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Sunday, March 3, 2019

Lost & Found

I am trying to write a poem for this contest so I thought I'd put the idea out to the group too. I'm listing the requirements of the actual contest, but for our purposes, the poem does NOT HAVE TO BE FOR CHILDREN. It can if you want, and maybe even enter it here.

Lost & Found! 

All kids lose things. Sometimes they're found and sometimes they're not. Tell us about a lost person, place, or thing in poetry.

This contest is your chance to write a poem for children around the theme lost and found. It can be any style of poem.

It can be written in prose*; your poem does not have to rhyme, but if it does, it better be top notch. (Check out this post on rhyme mistakes to avoid.)

Use your imagination to craft a poem aimed at children ages four to eight, suitable for publication in a magazine or children's poetry anthology. Poems must be previously unpublished and no more than 500 words.


  1. I do already have one kid poem on this topic, and have posted it here before, but it's aimed more at middle school. I'd appreciate any input on making the language appeal more to 4-8 year olds.


    42 sweat shirts.
    24 hats.
    Two hoodies.
    18 jackets.
    Two dozen single gloves
    plus two pairs.

    Third-grader Joe Silver
    took a blue knit
    Power Rangers glove.
    It's mine, he said.
    I have one just like it,
    but for the other hand.

    17 barrettes, none that match.
    Three Babysitter Club
    books, numbers 12,
    42 and 131.
    One pink and white
    My Little Pony umbrella.

    Priscilla Anne Hawking
    stopped by to find her
    lost Hello Kitty lunchbox.
    We searched but sadly,
    could not find it.

    21 lunch boxes.
    One water bottle.
    One Star Wars back pack.
    Four balls–white whiffle,
    orange nerf, blue bouncy,
    brown plastic football.

    To avoid losing items,
    parents should clearly label
    all personal belongings
    with your child’s name
    so that lost items
    may be returned.

    Four pairs of shoes.
    One pair of boots.
    Three single socks
    plus one pair of Spiderman socks.
    One pair of red tights.
    One flip flop.

    Items not picked
    up by the last day
    of school will be
    washed and donated
    to St. Andrew’s Church
    Family Outreach.

    Miss Lombard, music teacher
    and Lost and Found keeper,
    sang out her list, then asked,
    You wonder, how
    did they go home
    without their shoes?

    1. this is so true and well written. the only thing I could suggest to make it for younger children is change some of the lost items. different books for children rather than teens.

    2. heeyyy, i've got spider man socks. sssshhhh it's my secret identity ha ha. nice one. it was on the train announcement that a false leg had been handed in to lost do you lose a leg? - love paul.

    3. This brought back some memories of my lost items that never made it back home. Great job Someday I will be able to write as good as this is written.

    4. Good poem. My only comment would be that for young children it seems a bit long. Maybe you could reduce the lists of items somewhat?

  2. Where did I go?

    Did I lose you
    Or did I never have you

    Reasoning abandons me
    Reality doesn't know me

    Did I lose you
    Or did I never have you

    Patience mocks me
    People I knew became strangers to me

    Did I lose you
    Or did I never have you

    Silence laughs at me
    Understanding abused me

    1. I can so relate to this. sometimes I feel I get lost in a relationship. well expressed! good job!

    2. I like this a lot and welcome back to our poetry page!

    3. reality is overrated mate - paul.

    4. I really like this poem. The repetition of lines added to the story...even though you didn't say anything different, each time you repeated the line, another scene appears in the readers imagination...

    5. I would give this one 5 stars out of 5. Great Job It related to the prompt without saying it.

    6. The two lines of the 2md verse are wonderful! Good Job. Please do keep posting.


    lost my soul to the girl with big brown eyes
    found it again with blue hair ribbon ties
    what is lost and what is found
    or do we just go round and round

    been lost in so many times
    sometimes life isn't lemonade, it's limes
    the thing that gets you
    is the petty little crimes
    and the morning dew
    on your brand new shoe.

    1. You did your poem as a comment on someone else's again. I was feeling generous and moved it but PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU DON'T DO THAT. It is truly an insult to the person who posted the poem, to hijack their response thread.

    2. if somebody said i understood technology victoria, they would be lying. if i've hit the right button, it's a fricken miracle - love paul.

    3. THere's a difference between understanding technology and being able to look at what you've posted and seeing it's in the wrong place. You CAN do that. And move it if it is. Once again, for you to take the privilege of doing whatever the hell you please while disrupting another's comments is not respectful. Please have enough respect for the rest of the group to proof what you do.

    4. i wouldn't have the first idea how to move it. cut and paste is just something that happens to other people. i mean really, does it matter? it's just a fun poetry site for friends. i'm not bill gates - paul.

    5. Quit arguing and just listen and try to do it because it is a system that works for all of us and yes , really, it does matter because there is order and sanity and respect which I am sure you would rather have than chaos just like the rest of us. Thanks Paul

    6. OK and I like your poem. The last stanza is a gem. It flows like river water on a smooth day.

    7. i'll try vic. not a lot of order and sanity going on today. crazy flute player in my band doesn't want to go on stage tonight, 'cos she has bitten her nails down to the bone...sigh!..chaos can be good for writing - love paul.

    8. Remember: Go to the bottom of the page! That doesn't require any great intelligence or even memory. Simple: Bottom of the Page!!! Best of luck. Cute poem.

    9. bottom of the page. got it tash. that's the opposite of the top, right? ha ha - love paul.

  4. I'm posting this for my brother, Vincent Rivas, while he figures out how to get his name up as the poster...

    Lost in Time

    Lost is a expression of someone’s mind
    Found is happy, lost is sad
    Or is found sad and lost happy.
    You will only know if you are
    Lost and found.
    You can be lost in time
    But feel happy.
    You can be fine if you are found
    When you are lost in time
    It can be another dimension of time
    Or you can find your soul and feel fine
    It’s all in a state of mind
    Or is it another dimension of time.

    1. this is quite deep and profound. a lot to think about and well said and written. I hope you will continue to write and join us.

    2. this is nice. an interesting rytham. still think vinnie rivas sounds like a gangsters name from the 1940's ha ha - love paul.

    3. I really love this one!! I love thinking about dimensional living and how it's probably very possible that we could be in different dimensions at any time and not even realize it. By the way. I posted your other poem, the Annie poem in last weeks poems. I just went in where it says my name and changed the name to yours and it posted under your name. I used Vinnie instead of Vincent. Is that ok?

    4. Hey Everybody, This poem and last week's poem by Vinnie (Vincent) Rivas is our introduction to our brother, making 4 out of 5 of our siblings in this club. I really hope everyone will go back and check out his first poem. Thank you

    5. Awesome to see another sibling out here. Now we have to start working on Joe. Great effort, Vinnie. Love the first line.

    6. Thanks I new at this I will get better.

    7. Welcome, Vinnie. I really liked your poem, it's a geat collection of questions and thoughts. My favorite kind of poem! Please stay with us, it's wonderful to see new poets.

  5. Natasha

    For you I've searched what seems like a lifetime

    Your face I can't remember
    Time and time again I fall short
    Your embrace a distant memory

    For you I've searched what seems like a lifetime

    Many tears I shed for you
    Hidden from me you remain
    Many times I plead for you

    For you I've searched what seems like a lifetime

    I didn't get to know you
    I hope you are doing okay
    For now I'll cherish your name

    1. Very powerful. I like this a lot. As Linda said about your other poem, I think your use of repetition works very well.

    2. I agree with Victoria. very powerful. so glad to see you writing again.

    3. A very lovely poem with so much feeling in so few lines. Great job of writing.

    4. Very deep and yes I also agree with Victoria powerful stuff


    some roads once you are on the end
    even though all you see up ahead is the edge of a cliff
    and some ladies all you get is a kiss on the hand and a sniff
    but that's the twist of destiny's trend
    i'm not writing to warn you
    sometimes it's too late to be
    just want to give you a little boooo!!!
    sometimes the cobwebs of the past
    make it difficult to see
    sometimes memories don't last.

    1. I moved it for your again, since you asked. At least it's a start. However, if you always make sure you're ALL THE WAY AT THE BOTTOM OF THE PAGE, there is already a box. You do not have to hit [Reply]. In fact, if you need to hit reply in order to get a box to write in, YOU'RE IN THE WRONG PLACE.

      I have to admit, it's such a pain in the ass to deal with this shit, that I rarely have time to actually think about the actual poem. I realized I'm not sure how it fits the prompt, but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt.

    2. A very sweet poem and I loved the lines about the cobwebs of the past, Neat metaphor, nicely done.

    3. like Victoria I'm not sure how it fits the prompt, but as Tasha said it is a sweet poem and enjoyable to read.

    4. well ladies, it's sort of lost on lonely roads and lost relationships, then found after a boooo! to rip the cobwebs of the past asunder and find yourself. mia skye was a friend of mine on gotpoetry. does anyone else remember her? her poetry was....eeerrr difficult - love and peace - paul.

    5. all the way to the bottom vic....i've been there - love -paul.

  7. I realized I already have a 2nd poem that fits the contest. If I can only enter one, which one do you think I should submit?


    I look for love, some kind of sign,
    a love for me, a love that's mine.

    I look in every place I know
    but only see my brother Joe

    out on the porch swing with a book.
    He pets Miss Kitty as I look

    out in the yard. I look above,
    a goldfinch sings. I don't find love

    or anything. Some flowers bloom.
    The roses smell like mom’s perfume.

    I look again, and then I see
    that love is here, a love for me.

    I love the flowers, love the trees.
    I love the goldfinch and the breeze.

    I love to watch Miss Kitty play.
    I love her colors, white, orange, gray.

    I love the porch and love the swing
    I love the warmth that comes with spring.

    I love my mom and dad. Y'know,
    I even love my brother Joe.

    I feel the love that's in the air
    and find that love is everywhere.

    1. awwwww! love the way it changes tone as it moves along. I know it's one of your older ones but it fits the prompt beautifully.

    2. love can be elusive, but found in many things. like a book, or a garden. " love is all you need " the beatles - love paul.

    3. Nice, even cute,seems kind of complicated for a kid poem in my estimation, though the language is kid-like

  8. Lost: Tears, Found: Happiness

    Once upon a time
    there was a Sadness called Tears
    who lived in the silence.

    Tears was sad
    because she was all alone in the silence.
    It was so lonely that she began to cry,
    and she cried for a long, long time.

    She cried for such a long time
    that a big pool of water formed around her.
    Pretty soon she was floating.
    As she floated she began to feel somewhat better,
    but she was lonely because no one else was there.

    She began to feel light
    and wanted to feel even lighter,
    so she kicked off her shoes
    and began to dance in the water.

    As she began to dance,
    she noticed many other beings had gathered there.
    They were all playing in the beautiful pool of tears.
    They smiled at the Sadness and sang as they played,
    splishing and splashing about.

    The Sadness began to play too.
    Then as they played in the water,
    a song rose up in each of them
    and they all began to sing.

    As she joined in,
    the singing grew louder and more joyous.
    Soon Tears was so happy
    she couldn’t even be called a Sadness any more.
    The being that had once been a Sadness
    truly came a Happiness,
    and her new name was Smiles.

    Even after the pool had dried up
    and all had returned to their homes,
    Smiles remained a Happiness.
    Although she was back in the silence,
    she was still happy.
    For somehow now that she was a Happiness,
    even the silence was friendly,
    and Smiles the Happiness sang to herself all day long.

    1. a lovely story and with a twist that finds happiness from sadness. nicely done.

    2. More prosy that your usual style but a wonderful story and I think it would be a good entry for the Lost and Found contest.

    3. this would make a good childrens illustrated book tash. could see the drawings in my mind. nice one - love paul.

  9. This is a story that I arranged as a poem and it's not new however I wanted to share it and I trust it fits the prompt.

  10. I put them on the table beside my chair
    lined up neatly some with blue ink
    some with black and occasionally red
    I need them to write letters
    make my grocery and to do lists
    write the checks to pay the bills
    so I place them carefully.
    Yet when I need one not a pen is in sight
    gone! lost in a vortex! or perhaps
    stolen by a mischievous cat
    used as a toy during the night
    One day I will find a hidden pile
    of pens - black, blue and red
    somewhere in this house
    and once again place them carefully
    on the table beside my chair
    until then I will search for the lost ones
    and replace them with new ones
    that will also disappear into the unknown vortex.

    1. Cute poem! I like the unknown vortex, that might great a great prompt! I have another poem to post when I finish editing it. fun! I have enjoyed the variety of the responses.

    2. where do all the fricken pens and lighters go to!!! do they migrate south for the winter....or is that ducks? i buy coloured glittery pens in packs of twenty and i can still never find the buggers. as for lighters...running out of gas, when you have one cigarette left grrrrrr - love and glow in the dark pens - paul.

    3. LOL. I have so many cups full of pens and still can never find one. Yes, I think there is a vortex where they all go!!

  11. Lost and Found

    I thought i lost a friend today,
    He went away and didn't write.
    He sat and ate lunch with someone else.
    He said i was wrong about something i said.

    I thought i lost a friend today -
    He sent me a letter and explained to me
    He sat with someone else because they were sad and needed comforting.
    He still disagrees with what i said, but thats okay
    We can have different opinions and still be friends.

    I thought i lost a friend today.
    It was just a misunderstanding.

    1. UGH!!! I found it challenging to say the least to write to a child's perspective. I dont think this is a good poem at all. But its my contribution for this week!

    2. I love it... very telling of how we can misinterpret another persons action by jumping to conclusions. well written and fun!

    3. interesting millificent 3000. not your usual style. was just e - mailing you about sending a letter. if everybody agreed all the time, it would get very boring ha ha - love and peace - paul.

    4. Nice thought in poetic form.

    5. I think you did a great job on the prompt, even from a child's voice, which wasn't a requirement, but yes, made it more challenging.

  12. The Gift

    "Lo and behold!" The magician said--He wore a robe and a pointed hat,
    and he waved his wand with a smile and a wink, then disappeared, so that was that,
    except for the gift he left behind wrapped in stars and a sky blue cloud of soft material spidersilk fine.
    As I unwrapped it, I was glad to think that it was mine.

    As I unwrapped it layer by layer, the package grew smaller, smaller still,
    the clouds of silk piled all around, surrounding me, a sky blue hill.
    The stars fell off, lay here and there, each one twinkling silently,
    each one somehow seeming to say, "We know what the gift may be."

    At last the mystery was all unwound; I held in my hands a small red box,
    the gift at last! What was inside? I opened it up, it had no locks.
    I thought it empty, then, I saw it held a card with instructions for me:
    "Put in this box what you wish to lose, it will be gone, whatever you choose."

    I simply could not make up my mind; I clung to everything I had.
    What to lose? How to decide, I needed it all both good and bad!
    But I have the box still on a shelf, if ever I need it, I know it's there,
    and I comfort myself with the thought that I can erase what I want with never a care!

    The stars and the silk hang over my bed, making a curtain of bright and blue
    And I sleep content in the wrappings of the Magician's gift I did not use.
    But as I grow older strange to say, there are things I no longer want that I lose
    and who knows about a small red box that sits on a shelf and has no locks.

    1. sometimes the wrapping can be more exiting than what's inside the package. yes. that does have two meanings tash. nicely written - love - paul.

    2. Awesome poem. I love the imagery of the constant unwrapping.

  13. Here's the oher poem, Might this be a good one to enter?

    1. I think it would be a great entry if you worked on the language. I think, like mine, some of it is above an 8-year-old's understanding.

  14. I lost my good friend recently
    devastating my soul indecently
    squashing my heart, it's hard to believe
    that this pain will dim and I'll get a reprieve

    there's a time between loss and hope
    where you attempt to adjust, learn to cope
    love creeps back in it's typical fashion
    reminding us of life and our need for passion

    I found new loves needing my devotion
    calling to the emptiness starving for emotion
    I continue down the road of life ever looking
    never really knowing what might be cooking

    I found the knowledge that we must accept
    at preventing our deaths we are quite inept
    the cycle of life must run on its way
    embrace it wholly, this could be your last day

    1. A very beautiful and very moving poem.

    2. love is always creeping around. it's when it catches you, that you have a problem - paul.

    3. Wow. What a sad poem but very well done.

  15. "I once was lost,
    but now am found"
    she sang to herself
    while she worked
    she felt the middle of winter
    on a beautiful Spring day
    roiling through her veins
    as the screen door screeched open
    and warned her of torment to come
    The sinister dread creeped in as
    her step-dad walked into her bubble
    with whiskey in his hand
    and a wild look in his eyes
    she lowered her lids
    and added a smirk because
    since the last time
    she'd made herself a plan
    she continued her song
    she sang it every day
    she was lost
    and needed to be found

    as she sang, she thought
    she was ready with the potion
    she'd purchased from the witch
    way back in the middle of the woods

    well, he made his move
    and she ducked around
    and pulled the vial
    from her pocket

    he didn't look scared
    because he didn't have a clue
    what was happening
    he laughed and grabbed
    as she threw powder in his face
    he got in closer
    as he started to shrink
    down, down to the floor
    and he morphed
    as confusion took over his eyes
    his thoughts turned to survival
    as squirrel thinking took over
    his brain...

    1. Oh wonderful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! good job great story, loved the ending!

    2. Very interesting poem. A sadistic imagination to solve a real problem that happens everyday and no one talks about it. Well done Sis.

    3. nice one wolfie. i know a few squirrels....witches too - love paul.

    4. LOL. Love it. I'm reading "Practical Magic" right now too so it even fit my mood.
