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Sunday, March 10, 2019

Word choice

This week's prompt is from Linda:

tree, heart, window, pillow, hallucination
music, clock, hill, miniature, animal
flying, running, walking, dancing, jumping

Use 2 words or more from each group of five at least once in a poem.


  1. Nonsense

    By the window on a pillow
    I had a hallucination of a man
    Very stout leaning against the willow tree
    A heart attack he gave me

    I looked at the clock
    Time had stopped
    Classical music played in my head

    By the window I seen an animal miniature in size
    I had a hallucination
    The animal was flying away
    Running after it a predator

    While walking outside
    I seen a woman dancing
    Jumping at me was her eyes
    I had a hallucination

    1. three of my favourite things. stopping time. classical music and hallucinations - nice taylor - paul.

    2. I knew you would use hallucination one way or another. lol. may I correct your grammar? it's I saw not I seen... or was that intentional? otherwise I love the scenes set with each verse.

    3. Wow. Awesome job on the word use. These kind of prompts drive me nuts. As well as what Bonnie said, you might want to change "was her eyes" to "were her eyes". It's her eyes that were jumping and eyes is plural.

    4. Liked this, and a bit creepy, too. Woo hoo!

    5. I thought the grammar was intentional. And if it was, I kinda liked it. It was so casually used. (And if it wasn’t, don’t admit it.)

    6. very imaginative! I love it!

  2. gonna have to be straight up on the screen. no spell checks. no copies. no time. no rewrites.

    TICK TOCK 10

    a weeping willow tree on my pillow
    a tick tock clock and sad music bring me low
    like wile e coyote
    do i start running before i go?
    dancing to a strange bear
    and letting it be
    barking up the wrong tree
    with my out of tune dancing feet.

    1. I moved it for you again. I'm impressed by how short of a poem you got with the words. I'll have to try to outdo you.

      However, Once again, you have done this properly before and now have done it wrong THREE times, ALL on my daughter-in-law's poems. PLEASE at least ATTEMPT to get it correct. You have at least be acknowledging you're doing it wrong which is why I move them for you.

    2. love the out of tune dancing feet... great line!

    3. i'll try. sometimes the " add comment " thing at the bottom of the screen is missing. tough to stuff them words in against the clock and announcements saying " library is closing in ten minutes ", but i'm better under pressure. it's there today. just need a jumpy musical pillow flying type of poem - love - paul.

    4. " hey feet! your stuff " - james brown.

    5. thanks tash. it seems easier when someone gives me the words. heard once that david bowie would just write random words on a bit of paper. then tear up the paper. throw it in the air and whatever words came down face up he would put in a song. tried it. it didn't work for me.....but then i'm not david bowie - love - paul.

    6. I really enjoyed your poem. I loved the "out of tune dancing feet" very clever use of words.

  3. Out the window the tree sways
    to a music all it's own. Nature's
    song of sweet bird songs and
    wind that whispers down the hill
    sets the trees dancing
    my heart is free and flying.

    1. hmmm the title of our book bonita.
      i love the noise trees make when they are dancing - love paul.

    2. Says a lot in a few words. One very minor suggestion. It’s ok to write a poem with no punctuation, but once you start to put some in, you kinda have to go all the way. And I wouldn’t take out the period in the middle of the second line, the complete stop there is very effective, So I’d add a period after “dancing.”

    3. Everyone's doing such a great job on this prompt I hate to try. Lovely and so much said in so few words.

    4. Awesome small poem. It's actually a pretty poem!

  4. Very disappointed no one commented on my second poem for last week. Please check it out? Thanks!

    1. i'll check it out tash - paul.

    2. It looks like I missed a LOT of poems last week. Tournament weeks get a bit hectic. I went back and commented on all.

  5. I saw a naked woman in a tree,
    Or else it could have been hallucination—
    A few too many mushrooms on my pizza,
    A few too many bouts of masturbation.

    I watch you from my window late at night,
    A pillow wrapped around my private part,
    My world in miniature, high on hill,
    The rabid animal I call my heart

    Is ticking like a great grandfather clock,
    With concupiscent dreams to keep it pumping,
    In rhythm with my wiggling, squirming cock,
    All flying, running, walking, dancing, jumping.

    1. how do you manage to be erotic and funny at the same time? don't know why but this had me chuckling a bit. intriguing!

    2. Erotic and surreal! What an interesting combination.

    3. The rhyme and rhythm do seem to make this surreal. I agree with Bonnie though that somehow I found it amusing too.

    4. Amusing is what I was going for.

  6. jimgee53@yahoo.comMarch 11, 2019 at 1:10 PM

    Hi! New to this blog, but I found this challenge intriguing. Here's my poem:

    I lie late in bed
    Pillow placed aslant
    above the head

    It’s what I’ve said
    As soon forgotten
    As retrieved, instead
    the heart skips a beat
    is bled
    of its desire to know
    more than
    what’s outside my window
    a tree, an image takes its stand
    a shapening

    It's running
    like a clock
    teasing my eternity
    dancing on the hill
    to its own endless music

    1. wonderful imagery!! love it! welcome and hope to hear more from you.

    2. Interesting images and the soy they design. Well done and welcome.

    3. Wow. Beautiful! And so great to have you here!! I didn't know you wrote poetry! Do you regularly? I hope you continue to contribute. I love "the heart skips a beat / is bled / of its desire to know" Awesome image.

    4. i like dancing on a hill to endless music too jim.....but not in this weather ha ha - love - paul.

    5. Wow, I'm impressed with the softness and the imagery of this beautiful poem. I sure hope to keep hearing from you. Thanks for posting!

    6. Thank you! I've been writing poetry for a while now. Really love the music and images I'm reading in all your poems. It's a tonic in these parlous times.

  7. jimgee53@yahoo.comMarch 11, 2019 at 6:35 PM

    Thanks, Bonnie.

  8. Tried a senryu but couldn't fit everything. May try again for my 2nd poem. So I went with a tanka.

    Musical clock chimes
    plays my heartstrings it's not a
    or a pillow dream it's just life
    running as time is flying

    1. this is awesome! wonderful imagery! love it!

    2. Oh my!! great job...lots of pretty pictures floating around in such a short poem!

    3. Really like this! esp. life running and time flying

  9. these poems seem to be getting shorter, but more intense vic. nice - love paul.


    the world was just a miniature hallucination today
    maybe because the running animals were far away

    got my dancing shoes on for tonight
    on stage, where the music is loud
    and the lights are bright
    no jumping....not with this knee
    but it makes my heart proud
    to see what i can see.

    1. yep, I can see it. exciting write.

    2. holy moly! an Amazing take on the prompt!!

    3. as you know by now bonita i was thrown out of my own gig for smoking. a jim morrisson moment. very 1969. resisted the urge to use my groucho marx line " i've been thrown out of better places than this!! " - love - paul.

    4. thanks wolfie. you gave me such cool words i couldn't go wrong with this. gonna do an impossible promt, the next time it's my turn sssshhhh don't tell the kids - love paul.

    5. I like it, I like it, a moment in time and a poem to rhyme it.

    6. thanks tash. think i hurt my typing finger on this one ha ha - love paul.

  11. I sit at the base
    of the tree
    my heart, a window
    to my soul

    distant music dancing
    through the
    surrounding hills
    as my mind

    is flying
    through the
    ultimate hallucination...

    1. No hallucination, just attuned to the energy you are! Beautiful, swift, sweet poem.

    2. lovely imagery! beautifully done...

    3. Very nicely done. I didn't like this prompt when you first gave it to us, but it grew on me. LOL

    4. distant music bugs me wolfie, 'cos i can't tell what it is. but i do know what you mean. keep on flying - love paul.

    5. jimgee53@yahoo.comMarch 22, 2019 at 5:59 AM

      Nice poem, Paul! I like its push, and I especially like the personal knee imagery (made me smile!)

    6. jimgee53@yahoo.comMarch 22, 2019 at 6:09 AM

      Whoops! Sorry, posted this in the wrong spot. My blogging skills are a bit off this early.

  12. Tree Speak

    The tree spoke from her heart,
    her words like music dancing.
    "The clock of the seasons is ticking,
    my sap is running.I tap on your window
    to get you to pay attention.
    Lift your head from the pillow
    and see, come dancing with me
    in the delightful rise of spring.

    1. love the image of dancing with the tree

    2. Thank you Bonnie, and also Linda, I so appreciate comments and saying what you like, too.

    3. I like what you did with the prompt. I like the internal rhyme. The whole poem sounds very much like music itself.

    4. can see one tree from my pillow....a weeping willow. nice tash - love paul.

    5. jimgee53@yahoo.comMarch 22, 2019 at 6:03 AM

      I really like the running sap imagery - perfect timing for the season!

  13. Sorry to be so late, busy week. Hope people see and comment. It's a true poem about the maple outside my window. It's been talking to me for a while now. Trees are so special!

  14. Oh my, we both have the music dancing. I love it. I had a maple tree outside my bedroom window as a child. I would lay with my head on the window sill and breathe in the fragrance and talk to my tree. Like you said, trees are so special...
