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Monday, November 20, 2017

Happy Holidays

OMG, it's my turn for the prompt again and I forgot yesterday. But then I didn't realize this Thu is Thanksgiving until just a few days ago. I keep joking about my inability to read a calendar.

So for this week's prompt, write a holiday poem. It doesn't have to be Thanksgiving, Christmas, Yule, Hanukkah, New Years, or any of the ones coming soonest. It could be Valentine's Day or the 4th of July. Or even St. Swithin's Day, which I had always thought was St. Swiven's until I looked it up to see if it was a real holiday. My second husband Chuck always used it as sarcasm about when something would be done. Turns out it's not only a real holiday, but Jane Austen already wrote a verse about it:

St Swithin’s day if thou dost rain
For forty days it will remain
St Swithun’s day if thou be fair
For forty days ’twill rain na mair


  1. This is my first post - I was Ken2Shoes at Gotpoetry and
    Tasha has encouraged me, so here's a poem:

    Writing to a Prompt

    I’m lost
    in the non-poetry section
    of town
    surrounded by strange nouns

    having already forgotten
    the prompt.

    In a traffic circle
    an adverb-hole honks at me
    from his SUV
    as round and round I go
    searching for a sign.

    “Write a holiday poem”
    It says up ahead

    and I make my way home
    barely dodging
    a family of turkeys
    crossing the road.

    1. you should have "bonked" one of the turkeys that were crossing the road and had Thanksgiving dinner!!! Nice to have you with us Ken!!! I remember you from

    2. nicely done! the last verse reminded me of a time husband #2 and I were driving through the mountains? in State College, PA and a family of turkeys crossed the was so cute!

    3. i remember you from gotpoetry mr 2 shoes. i was omegapaf. well i still am but with two f's now. how have you been? - love and peace - paul.

    4. by the way, ken, I was wolfinwindow on

    5. We had to brake for turkeys this afternoon.

    6. Welcome to the group. The last stanza really does make the poem!!

    7. Hi Ken, Nice to meet you. I am wolfinwindow, aka, Linda's husband. I enjoyed your poem very much. Hope you stick with us.

    8. Thanks so much for joining us, Ken, I am so glad to see you her. I believe you will have fun as well as get inspired! So glad you took the hint, and that's a great poem! Hugs and welcome!

  2. comfy, snuggy and warm
    sitting by the March fire
    snap, crackle, pop
    dressed in our Easter finery
    we had hoped for a warm
    sunny Easter bunny Sunday
    but we got 22 degrees and snow
    wind chill 12 below...

    1. Wow! I'm cold already and I just woke up!! Nice one!

    2. great imagery. i could picture it all. yep, that's Pennsylvania for you.

    3. brrrrrrr getting out of bed is usually a mistake in winter wolfie. lets just hibernate huh? - love and peace - paul.

    4. Nice move from comfy and snuggy to brrrr with a way stop of sunny Easter bunnies.

    5. Yup, I remember those Easters, and yes, great imagery. Love it.

    6. That's Erie Easters for ya honey, nice little poem that captures many an Easter when I was growing up!

    7. Nice! I remember one Easter when there was a big snowstorm and then the sun came out! It was lovely but not very Easer-y. Enjoyable poem.

  3. this isn't totally about " happy holidays " bonita. but the third verse is about my ideal christmas.


    got my rock and my roll to save my soul
    kicked the ball in to the crowd over the goal

    frank and johnny saved my musical life
    kept me safe from trouble and strife
    made me forget i didn't have a loving wife
    kept me from the knife

    wish i could meet again everyone i ever met
    even that creep that cheated on the pool bet
    form a pirating crew and sail away
    to a skull and crossbones island where we could stay

    dig up our buried treasures
    take life at our leisures
    everything comes from my heart to you
    even though i have the flu.

    " behind the hatred, there lies a murdurous desire for love " - the boy with the thorn in his side - the smiths.

    if this doesn't post properly, i'm gonna eat this computer ha ha...only partially joking - paul.

    1. Posted correctly, as your own thread! Awesome!! And in my opinion the prompts are well, prompts, to get you to write. If you go in a different direction than the prompt, at least you were prompted.

    2. Paul F. Like Victoria said you used the prompt and created a poem. I liked the poem. I think that's all that counts, eh???

    3. Good one, as you make your way round the prompt in your own fashion, and it's good. It's all good.

    4. thanks victoria. see it only takes me a few decades to master new technology ha ha. i like the prompts. it gives me a starting point and then i sortta migrate off on a tangent....usually about 4AM. - love and peace - paul.

    5. oh poets have to break the rules paul b. or bend them a little, or we wouldn't be poets - love and peace - paul.

    6. Very nice, Paul! I love the blues myself, especially the 'blues rock' stuff.

    7. thanks tash and ken. had a bit of trouble getting on here recently. but i'm back! - love and peace - paul.

  4. you're right this isn't a holiday poem but from what you told me your holiday poem was a bit on the dark side. I like the way it flows - especially the opening lines.

    1. i am the dark side ha ha ha ha - darth vader.

  5. yes, you were right, this isn't quite a holiday poem but she wasn't exactly real specific I don't quite understand how the third verse relates with holidays either but, one contributed a poem and an explanation so I say...smooth poem...I enjoyed the fourth verse the most.

    1. 'cos my perfect holiday would be to sail away wolfie.

  6. I really didn't think I was going to do this one. I'm not much for occasional poems. But I did. I picked an odd sort of holiday.


    a day that will live in
    Pearl Harbor was
    bombed and World War II

    started a year after
    I was born
    fast forward to
    this was a better time

    Pat and I
    were married by
    Reverend Arthur
    Oudemool in front of
    a landmark

    for the ages
    the great monolith
    that marks Opus 40
    a marriage
    till death parts us

    we'll celebrate with a
    feeding tube
    in my stomach
    and a chemo port

    1. powerful...very emotional and well written as usual. each vignette stands alone and in the end form a life time. beautiful.

    2. OMG, this is heartstopping. Amazing how poets take illness as an outlet for poetry. This is beautiful.

    3. Tad, I'm sorry things aren't going so well for you. You poem was great!!!

    4. You are a brave soul for sure. Powerful poem, powerful situation, and you do it so well. Thanks for sharing.

    5. Very very powerful, with a punch in the gut at the end

  7. I need to write a holiday poem
    I need to make pies--pumpkin, apple
    then I'll sit down and write poetry.
    OMG, Thanksgiving tomorrow.

    I need to make pies--pumpkin, apple
    Still not sure how many will be here
    OMG, Thanksgiving tomorrow.
    Do I have enough chairs? Dishes? Food?

    Still not sure how many will be here,
    I still can't sit down, write poetry.
    Do I have enough chairs? Dishes? Food?
    Maybe I should make some deviled eggs.

    I still can't sit down, write poetry.
    After Thanksgiving, Christmas cookies.
    Maybe I should make some deviled eggs.
    Find my recipes for fudge, no bakes.

    After Thanksgiving, Christmas cookies
    Baking, boxing, ship to family.
    Find my recipes for fudge, no bakes.
    Tomorrow I promise, write my poem.

    Baking, boxing, ship to family.
    The tree needs to go up. Decorate.
    Tomorrow I promise, write my poem.
    Christmas dinner, presents, New Years Eve.

    The tree needs to go up. Decorate.
    then I'll sit down and write poetry.
    Christmas dinner, presents, New Years Eve.
    I need to write a holiday poem.

    1. Victoria, I liked the way you made a poem from nothing but what you were going to do. You did a good job.

    2. I know it isn't funny to have so much to do but you sure made it funny with this poem. and look! you did it today instead of tomorrow. loved it!

    3. Oh you are so good! I haven't had a moment to sit down and write a poem and you made a poem out of that! Nice job as always.

    4. Very clever and the way you put this all into the form (pantoum) is brilliant!

  8. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA you wrote a holiday poem while worrying about everything....very good pantoum!!!!!

  9. holidays are a chance to share and smile
    to catch up with friends, relax awhile
    I wish we had more to celebrate
    there's a party tonight, don't be late

    give your loved ones a great big hug
    make sure to get pics of their happy mug
    this chance to revel and have warm fun
    is like leaving the shadows to walk in the sun

    will you make the most of this chance to unite
    to embrace friends and family, to experience delight
    let's make our holidays special times to cherish
    they can't be allowed to fade and perish

    holidays are our redemption from the seriousness of our lives
    an opportunity to touch base and brandish sharp knives
    just kidding about the sharp knives thing
    I wish you all the happiness holidays bring

    1. so sweet and true. holidays is when families get together and differences set aside. good write!

    2. Really nice poem and so evocative of a true holiday celebration. In my family we used always to invite one "outsider" because then the family would always be more polite. Perhaps I will write about our holiday dinners. You have inspired me!

    3. LOL. Love the last stanza!! I like the whole poem, and actually think you get a bit "long of line" in the last stanza, but overall excellent!!

    4. Love that last stanza as well!

  10. Many nationalities, religions and races
    Make up this land called America.
    Holiday celebrations overlap into
    One wonderful package or happiness and peace.

    For some it’s Merry Christmas - for others it’s
    Hanukkah, and of course Kwanzaa
    All celebrated in the month of December
    Rejoice in the season regardless of what you call it.

    But please take no offense when some who
    Want to include all Americans
    Regardless of beliefs greet you with an
    All encompassing and heartfelt Happy Holidays.

    Celebrate with love for all
    Wrap your arms and hearts around each other
    Join hands in unity and joy
    Happy Holidays to my diversity of friends.

    1. this is very beautiful and filled with love...I especially liked the line, Join hands in unity and joy...that j sound sounded like a verbal tickle.

    2. Nice one, and the poem I am about to post goes nicely with it. Only mine is about the past, and oursis very right on for now. Thanks for sharing.

    3. I love the concept and thoughts in this poem. It's a bit prosy for me but I know the poems out here are all far from finished products.

    4. yeah it wouldn't work like i wanted it to and i was running out of time to post :-). this one is definitely still a work in progress.

    5. Love the thoughts expressed here

  11. When I Close My Eyes

    When I close my eyes, I see the mahogany
    gleaming with crystal and silver,
    white plates with blue rims, and the faces
    gathered smiling around the long table,
    glasses raised to toast the absent ones.

    With my closed eyes I see the platter
    carried around to each of us
    brimming with roast beef and Yorkshire pudding
    or turkey sliced to suit, with stuffing
    and all the bounty of holiday food.

    when my eyes are closed I see
    my young self avidly watching
    the silver candy dishes, awaiting
    the finale—a flaming plum pudding,
    ice cream cake or other rare desert.

    Even with my closed eyes I see
    holidays past, faces long gone
    except from memory, and the family
    smiling and happy as we celebrated
    whatever holiday had gathered us.

    1. Lovely images. Sounds like something out of a Christmas novel.

    2. great imagery and lovely memories. It does sound like it's out of a Christmas story especially compared to the racket and disorder of the holidays at my mother's house!!! lol

    3. Faces long gone except from memory - that's a really good way to put it. Great detailed images, I really feel like I'm there

    4. Many thanks for kind comments. It was vivid in my mind when I wrote it, so I guess I conveyed that. Good to know.

  12. Sorry to be so long getting this out. I was writing it in my head all week, alas, that does not get it onto the site. Really liked the entries this time, nice work and fun to read.

  13. sounds so perfect and lovely. our holidays were generally chaos with a large family - noisy and fun.

    1. That's because I was usualy the only child present until I was almost 9, so there was no one to be particularly noisy and most of the guests were much older even than my parents.

  14. The night was dark,
    but the stars were bright,
    as we begun the longest night.

    the old was dead
    the new begun.
    Now all that missing was the newborn sun.

    I walked into the woods,
    A walk I've made several times a year now.
    To meet my friends of the circle,
    and sing the pagan songs of old.

    to pay homage to the old gods,
    the gods of nature,
    now almost forgotten
    under the onslaught of religion.

    Athena, Gaia and Tiamet where art thou?
    Come and lead my dark soul into the light.
    An end to chaos and oblivon,
    make me rea1!
    make me whole again!
    Not an Automatron,
    more than a machine without feeling.
    lost in the darkness,
    we call night.

  15. The turkey was dry,
    the skin overly crisp,
    Just like one of Pavlov's dogs
    my mouth should have been watering,
    but this meal failed to raise even the slightest hint of moisture in my parched mouth.
    what was wrong with me???
    I used to enjoy this holiday,
    time spent with family and friends,
    but now a prisoner locked in the darkness of my own mind.
    I thought that I had broken free of this place several years ago.
    then why am I here now.

    My right brain is a prisoner,
    kept under lock and key, by my autistic left brain.
    My left brain doesn't want to be a guard, but knows no other role.
    because the is the role that some cruel trick of nature assigned to it.

    Some how when ever I switch over into my right brain, I end up here,
    with no way to break free.


    Isolation, darkness, despair, death...

    1. wow! powerful write! holidays are not always the hallmark moments we see on the tv movies.

  16. I wonder on a plain of cinders as sharp as glass.
    the soles of my sneakers, always getting cut up,
    but somehow never completely shredded to the point that they fail to protect my feet,
    from cuts.
    But I am afraid to fall,
    oh so afraid to fall.

    Ha, and I thought I was no longer afraid of this place.
    I thought that spring, and blue skys had come.
    Not I realize that it is once again the same dark sepia tone
    of twightlight that it has always been.

    And I am afraid, I can hear the howling and screams of my own inner demons on the wind;
    and my blood runs chill.

    Beware the cliffs of insanity, who know if today the gently winds will gently softly pick me up
    to set me back down on solid ground,
    like they have done in happier times, past.

    this time if I get to close to the edge, will it give way, causing me to tumble into the long
    darkness of insanity.
    Probably not, for after all I am not real, I don't really have feelings, I am on Automatron,
    and my logical autistic self, will start screaming Illogical, illogical, illogical, and yank
    me back to the cold hard stainless steal of reality.

    I came here looking for the light, the temple, the center of my my heart, mind, and soul,
    but now I have lost my way again. I am lost, I am in the dark, and I am afraid.
    If only I could find the source of power I could plug in,
    it would provide the plasma energy needed, to recreate this place.
    to bring back blue skies, and warm summer days.
    happier times with bluebirds, and butterflies, and fluffy white clouds.

    Do you think there could be unicorns, magic, and rainbows???

    I came here looking, but did not found, now I don't know what to do but leave?
    If I can but find the door.

    But if I leave, and have now seen the state that the landscape of my mind has fallen into,
    can I ever come back. Would I have the strenght to face it again.

    And yet this is where the source of my creativity lies. I can't be creative with coming here?
    for I am the mad poet. And I realize that I have found the center, but it is dark. This is the
    place where creativity, genius and insanity come together.
    This is the center of my soul, and the source of power has gone out.
    somebody has pulled the plug on the raw cosmic energy, that I have sometimes found here in the past.
    the energy you can't touch without being burned, for no man can see God and live.

    1. not exactly a holiday poem but very intense and poignant. i especially like the line this is the place where creativity, genius and insanity come together.

  17. Okay, Bonnie, I've played the game and written. But not sure if I will be back. As you can see from this poetry, and know from some of my other poetry, I can't write, without going to place that I really don't like to go.


  18. Sorry, I know holiday poems are supposed to be happy. I started out trying to write a happy story, a story about a place of magic, and of power.

    But I lost my way.

    When I try to write creatively, I literally walk the landscape of my mind; emotions become geographic features, and thoughts entities.

    I think the reason I become lost is that I haven't tried to come to the circle for a long time. And just like some people claim what is true in the physical world as well. The magic is gone. People quit believing in it, and it faded from view.

    I couldn't find the circle because the fires are not lit. It's been centuries since I was last here. People and magic kind quit coming here years ago. And now all that is left is an overgrown clearing in the woods.
