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Sunday, October 1, 2017

Something you've lost forever

This week's prompt is from Linda: 

Something you've lost forever.


  1. I not only wrote a new one for last week's prompt (and if those who have not would please read and comments I'd greatly appreciate it) but I have one of my oldest poems that fits this prompt.


    I should never have gone to see you
    al dressed up, you lips thin and tight,
    eyes closed, so still, your hair slicked back
    to cover the bullet hole.

    Laid out with folded hands,
    one that held the gun.
    How much I must not have known,
    certainly did not know you
    in your casket, someone I had never met
    but see in thoughts of you.

    I should have remembered you
    that morning we made love
    as you stood at my screen door
    and watched the sun rise.

    Tousled hair fell on naked shoulders,
    blue jeans hung low about your hips.
    Sunlight washed your face with shining warmth.
    A cigarette hung loose in your lips,
    smoke rose dreamlike in the morning rays,
    and you took my breath away.

    1. beautifully written. very emotional touching and loving

    2. do you still have that great pic I took of him standing by the refrigerator in Linda's kitchen. I had it enlarged and gave it to you when you were living in Denton, TX

    3. Oh my goodness he was real! Gorgeous poem! Sad. (sigh)

    4. Victoria, this is a beautiful poem. It read well aloud. I loved the visuals

    5. Wow!!! I don't know what to say but, I'm sorry you had to go through this. It's a beautiful poem.

    6. a tough poem to read victoria after having my fiance die in my arms, but brilliantly written - love and peace - paul.

  2. Moving. There are rookie mistakes you wouldn't have made in later poems. Tousled hair is a cliche, and you seem to say you made while he was standing at the screen door. But sometimes I feel that we owe it to our young poet selves not to let the old farts we've become mess with our poems.

  3. I will never forget Ray Bell...this is a beautiful poem. It sounds like a scene from a fact the whole story could have been a movie...



    Arlene knew the secret
    she never told a soul
    her find she would not forfeit

    When I shop I think of her yet
    my change her single goal
    Arlene knew the secret

    it weighed down my pocket
    into hers the coins did roll
    her find she would not forfeit.

    She said she’d be rich yet
    her siblings did not know
    Arlene knew the secret

    she figured she was set
    as stacks of coins did grow
    her find she would not forfeit.

    This world Arlene has left
    in my heart she left a hole
    her find she would not forfeit
    Arlene knew the secret.

    1. I don't know why but I got a big kick out of this poem. It was so "Arlene". She used to give me change like .46 and tell me that I needed it. I would chuckle and try to give it back but she was insistent that I needed it. I know the two of you were very close and this just gives me a little chuckle.

    2. How wonderful you found a way to show us Arlene without dwelling on her death. I love it!

    3. Interesting character and interesting, well crafted poem.

    4. Bonnie, Arlene was one of my favorite people. This poem is a terrific tribute for her.

    5. This is a beautiful poem about my mom. I love it.

    6. i don't know arlene obviously, but she sounds like a nice person.i'm back after my nightmare week. strangely i lost something forever over that week. so here is a poem about it

      BAD DAY 3

      sorry can't write about my life today
      it would just depress you
      and make you cry
      shake your head and wonder why, oh why
      my last five girlfriends have been a nightmare of blue
      there must be a nice lady, who knows another way

      joanne got caught with heroin and blamed it on me
      as if i'd touch that junk
      after she took me for hundreds of pounds and many a penny
      thought she was a fluffy bunny, but turned out to be a skunk

      i got locked up for the night, while she walked away
      only got out when the cops checked her 22 year heroin record and realised you can't believe a word she will ever say.

      it's good to be back - paul.

    7. it's nice to have you back. lost a little more faith and trust over that week. sounded like things were going well for you two and then the wolf took off her sheep's clothing and the real joann showed up.

    8. Paul I'm glad to have you back too. You trust too easily I think and it gets you in trouble. Those skunks in fluffy bunny clothes will do it every time. Nice poem

    9. i entered a reply, but it didn't turn up. probably my fault - paul.

    10. see if this works. thanks ladies. believe it, or not i've been in another nightmare relationship since this one. a woman called sarah after asking me out and her writing me love poetry and me getting her whatever she wanted, she disapeares with my money, bag of booze and her smack. i had high hopes for sarah.....i should have known better - love and peace - paul.

  5. it was four days after my 13th birthday
    I was at school like and normal day
    my older sister was there and instantly...
    my day was night, my mother was no longer by my side
    my bestfriend was gone

    There was no one to guide me through life
    or see me do sports or succeed in anything
    I didn't know what to do...

    How was I going to survive on my own all alone
    in this enormous world of demons and people
    who will try to bring me down.
    I had to learn how to live with no guidelines
    of the most important things in life
    it was scary and dark on this side

    my home was gone and I couldn't seem to find it
    I was alone in the dark with no home
    for a very long tine, it was heart breaking
    I had to keep going and fighting this
    dark night away from home...

    1. I am so happy you continue to join us here. I know losing your mom had to be the most traumatic event in your life. Writing about it can be cathartic. The last lines are so powerful!!! This poem has a lot of potential.

    2. And BTW, your mom's house was always my favorite relative's house to visit. She managed to keep it feeling calm and welcoming, whatever the circumstances.

    3. Touching and sad. Thank you for this poignant sharing. Wishing you well, Tasha

    4. You've done well here, Bre. I'm so happy you are becoming a regular with us. This had to be painful to share.

    5. Breanne, this is a very special poem. I know it came from your heart. Nana read it to me and I loved it.

    6. watch out for those demons and people who want to bring you down breanne. i've met most of them - love and peace - paul.

  6. you have described how surreal everything seems when someone we love dies and our world turns upside down. a tragic time for you I know. good write.

  7. Lydia was the sweetest little girl
    she played dress up for us
    she made sand castles in the sand box
    we pushed her on the swings
    she was in my tenth grade fashion show
    and everyone in the audience said "awww"
    she was a big part of our lives
    I was little mama
    she was my charge
    Lydia felt like my own
    then, six turned into five, suddenly
    it was hard losing her
    it was hard on us all
    we grew up in one evening
    because we needed her
    and then she was gone...

    1. sweet memories of a sweet little girl. that was probably the most surreal night of my life. beautiful tribute.

    2. This is a beautiful tribute to a beautiful little girl. I never knew her. She would have been my age had she lived. You've told me so much about Lydia that I feel I knew her.

    3. I never knew about Lydia until now. I love this poem, Nana

    4. A much sweeter take on this than my Lydia poem. I almost posted that one.

  8. Gone Forever

    My mind is gone forever, faded into vague recollections
    It's kind of muddled with my poor feeble dissections

    I don't anticipate the fog will clear
    I'm really lucky to still see and hear
    Left field is comfortable, this is where I'll stay
    I never really worried if I seem to lose my way

    Life can be bliss if you don't really care
    Sometimes I just sit there and casually stare
    This is the disease of extreme apathy
    Which begs your patience and sympathy

    I hope that you will forgive that I am currently not in
    My mind is not available in this mixed up raucous din

    Focus is something that has silently slipped away
    It's alright though, because to me everything seems okay

    1. Yep you've lost your mind alright!!! Fun poem!!! I enjoyed it very much...

    2. this is really funny Papa!! I loved it!! I guess I should go back and make comments on last weeks poems but I'm too tired. LOL

    3. clever! thanks for making me smile. yep, I think we are all losing our minds but I guess I really don't mind... :-)

    4. very entertaining, yes. I enjoyed it. Thanks for sharing!

    5. you wouldn't want to be in my mind mate. as they used to write on the old shipping charts " here there be monsters " - love and peace - paul.

  9. Lost and Found

    Lost: One first love,
    buried under a life as a wife
    and mother,
    not to be resurrected,
    no reward for return.

    Lost: one first marriage
    faithfully preserved until
    it dissolved in the acid of neglect
    and failed expectations.
    gone forever.

    Found: one true love
    never to be lost or
    given away, always to be
    held close and dear
    forever and ever.

    1. The lost and found of relationships. Nicely done.

  10. Sorry to be late on this, will do better I hope next time...

    1. I always plan to do better next time. If I write a new poem, it tends to happen on Friday.

    2. thanks for the support. I appreciate you very much.I like to think about the subject and turn it over in my mind. That takes time!

    3. thanks for the support. I appreciate you very much.I like to think about the subject and turn it over in my mind. That takes time!

  11. excellent tash. bitter sweet, but with a happy ending.seem to be a lot more lost than found nowadays.

    1. Thanks, Dear Paul for your kind comment. I appreciate it and you.
