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Saturday, May 6, 2017

Photo Prompt

photo by Victoria Rivas

go inside this picture and show us what you see,, feel, smell, experience. let your imagination take you on a fantastic journey.


  1. Storm on the Horizon

    Bronze pink and blue color the sky
    As I walk through the lush green forest
    Soft moss covers the ground becomes slippery
    As moisture fills the air...light sprinkles of rain fall

    As I walk through the lush green forest
    Signs of an impending storm materialize
    As moisture fill the air...light sprinkles of rain fall
    Animals move to find shelter as

    Signs of an impending storm materialize
    An electrical current permeates the atmosphere
    Animals move to find shelter as
    The low rumble of thunder fills the air

    An electrical current permeates the atmosphere
    My body comes alive with anticipation when
    The low rumble of thunder fills the air
    I await the pending storm with excitement

    My body comes alive with anticipation when
    As moisture fill the air...light sprinkles of rain fall
    I await the pending storm with excitement
    Bronze pink and blue color the sky.

    1. I love it. No soft moss on that route though. I've described it like a road from Mad Max where it's broken asphalt and gravel. LOL.

    2. Linda Rivas BoleMay 7, 2017 at 7:13 PM

      I love your impending storm and how your body becomes alive with anticipation. This is a beautiful pantoum. I sense the coming rain in the picture also. But I took a different turn on it.

  2. Linda Rivas BoleMay 7, 2017 at 7:08 PM

    sunrise, such a special time of day
    laying at the net entrance of my tent
    the smells of delightful pines permeate the air
    I wear my long johns thinking about hot coffee

    laying at the net entrance of my tent
    the first birds sing their morning song
    I wear my long johns thinking about hot coffee
    the embers of last night campfire still glow

    the first birds sing their morning song
    I long for hot coffee so I slip into my jeans
    the embers of last nights campfire still glow
    they blow into flames as I add twigs

    I long for hot coffee so I slip into my jeans
    beans and marshmallows shall be my breakfast
    they blow into flames as I add twigs
    with pen in hand I sketch the scene in my journal

    beans and marshmallows shall be my breakfast
    as the smell of coffee fills the forest air
    with pen in hand I sketch the scene in my journal
    when I noticed the red sky and remembered the old saying

    as the smell of coffee fills the forest air
    I think about staying here another day
    when I noticed the red sky and remembered the old saying
    red sky in morning, sailors take warning

    I think about staying here another day
    to play and write poetry and write in my journal
    red sky in morning sailors take warning
    if it rains camping wouldn't be any fun

    to play and write poetry and write in my journal
    so I buried my fire and gathered my things
    if it rains camping wouldn't be any fun
    the sky always tells the story

    so I buried my fire and gathered my things
    the smell of delightful pines permeate the air
    the sky always tells the story
    sunrise, such a special time of day

    1. awesome! you set the scene with all the sights and sounds and smells wonderfully! i felt as if was part of it as I read.

    2. Linda Rivas BoleMay 8, 2017 at 6:28 AM

      Thank you so much!!!

    3. You really do put me right into the scene. Awesome pantoum. I do have a problem with two of the lines. The made me laugh out loud but I don't think that was your intention:

      beans and marshmallows shall be my breakfast
      they blow into flames as I add twigs

      Sounds like the beans and marshmallows are blowing into flames, or maybe farting. LOL

  3. I am still hoping to get a better poem, but here's a haiku to hold me over just in case:

    Sunrise bruises the sky
    so hard it punches my gut
    takes my breath away

    1. wow! quite powerful and visual.... I'm still laughing over the visual you gave us in Linda's poem with the marshmallow's farting. i hadn't seen that until you said it... :-)

    2. Linda Rivas BoleMay 9, 2017 at 2:42 PM

      Well, I was picturing the marshmallows bursting into flames and I couldn't leave out the beans. LOL toot, toot...

    3. Linda Rivas BoleMay 9, 2017 at 2:47 PM

      Awesome haiku. I loved it!!!

  4. I love to watch the
    sun at this time of day
    the air feels
    so cool and peaceful
    serene so soft and mellow
    smells like flowers
    and pine and grass
    where I have bruised it
    with my bottom as I
    sit and watch the
    sun go down.

    1. I'm impressed. Two poems from my picture when I barely got one. Actually I hate writing ekphrastic poetry. Not sure why.

      Curious about your line break in the first line. Breaking a line with a "the" doesn't tend to work. maybe move "sun" up to the first line.

  5. you paint a pretty peaceful scene with this poem

  6. Into the Night

    The bright sky blooms brilliant
    blackening the trees with contrast.
    Fiery fingers reach into the blaze
    to bring back the day,
    to encapsulate
    the sinking glory
    before it vanishes into dusk
    and becomes a breath
    of tomorrow’s dawn.

    1. very pretty poem! I love the visuals. you brought you brought the prompt to life.

    2. nicely done. I especially like lines 3 and 4. great imagery.

    3. Thank you bot for reading and commenting. It was a great picture!
