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Sunday, September 25, 2016

Simple Pleasures

Prompt from "A Writer's Book of Days, Sep 25:" Write about a simple pleasure.


  1. To read a book
    and have a look
    into someone else's life
    is a simple pleasure.
    For awhile,
    a micro-life.
    someone else's wife,
    her soul,
    and the holes in her heart...
    I relate and become
    the main character in the novel.
    I choose an actor for my hero.
    But, it's my life now.
    All the intricacies of seas of beyond the mists
    of time and texture.
    Where women wear furs
    and men trade what is under them for "goods".
    It's a good book.
    I'm half-way through,
    "My Sister the Moon".
    I'm there in trouble and love it.
    She is strong and fights back.
    Kiin has wisdom beyond her years
    and the ability to conquer her fears.
    I'm enjoying this book,
    I hope it never ends.
    But, like all good things,
    I will pass it on
    so someone else
    may be alive
    and survive in Kiin"s life.

  2. I particularly love "a micro-life / someone else's wife." Yes, reading is one of my most simple pleasures.

    1. I thought of "Micro-life" because Paul and his father had a fight and Paul accused his father of micro managing everything. Well, I waiting for a chance to use the word "micro" and it worked perfectly in this little ditty. LOL

  3. Nice job! I will post something soon too. Enjoyed the feeling of being there with you as you experienced it.

    1. I await one of your awesome poems, Tasha. I am real glad you are here to keep this going!!!

    a 5/4 poem

    Tie shoelaces,
    look out the window,
    prepare for morning hike.
    Rain patters
    in the driveway.

    Should I go or stay?
    Disappointment showers
    my body.
    My umbrella
    in hand I walk up

    the mountain,
    see morning
    glories in bloom,
    hike nature's tunnels
    under sheltering trees.

    Tall cattails
    shimmer sprinkles.
    Rain meanders, streams
    through eroded gouges
    in the road.

    Listen to
    raindrops patter
    on my umbrella.
    I ramble home, refreshed
    for the day.

  5. I loved the imagery. I actually looked out my window to make sure it wasn't raining. I expecially liked...streams through eroded gouges in the road... I could see the streams coming down my road. Good job.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Simple Pleasures

    My simple pleasures are my favorite ones,
    the fresh, crisp air of fall, the leaves so bright
    the taste of morning tea upon my tongue,
    hot showers, chocolate, my bed at night.

    I cannot choose one, two, or even more,
    For all are special each one in its time.
    the gloriousness of sunsets I adore,
    the smell of salt sea air, each breath sublime.

    The happiest of all is that they come
    so often, some do each and every day
    what luxury, what awesomeness, each plum
    so ripe and juicy tasting in its way.

    Life pours so much into my brimming cup
    I think that I can never drink it up.

    1. I first read this on my phone. It made me realize how much of poetry is visual. In one direction the lines wrapped, in the other I could only see one stanza at a time. A sonnet is beautiful, not only in its words but in its form.

      And I love yours. I had a hard time deciding on which "simple pleasure" to use, but since I had just returned from walk when I sat down to write, I used it. And yes, they are there every day if you look for them. The first stanza is my favorite. You fill my senses with so many simple pleasurs

    2. "pleasures." that is. But the darn thing won't let me edit. LOL.

  8. Fun to write a sonnet now and then. This one just popped out as I thought about Simple Pleasures and even though Stephen was listening to the news at the time, somehow it just kept on coming. I was however able to finish it in a silence for which I was grateful.

    1. I love writing in form. Even when I don't use a form, I give it form, syllables, beats, repetition, something. I feel like I am building a house. Even if my house is unique, it has a plan.

    2. Thanks for your kind words. I too like the sense of a form and always like you feel it even if there isn't a defined form to what I am writing. It is part of the shape of the poem whether or not it is defined in form. It is what I hear as I write.Bet that's true for you too.
